The Awakened Masculine – Best of the Podcast So Far
What are the traits of an awakened man? What are the traits of an awakened man? How does an awakened man show up in relationships, and what is required for an awakened man to truly connect and live from his awakened masculine core?
This is a compilation of highlights from four previous podcast episodes all about the awakened masculine. This is a great reminder for both men and women who want to deepen their understanding of the awakened masculine and how it can positively impact their relationships and personal growth.
Explore these episodes in full
- Father wounds – Episode 72
- The woman with the father wound and the man with the unworthiness wound – Episode 80
- The four traits of the Awakened Masculine – Episode 76
- How a man can make a woman feel safe – Episode 79
Mentioned in this episode:
Healing Your Relationship with the Masculine
A 4-week immersive program for women, starting 2nd March 2025
There won't be any episodes for the next three to
Speaker:four weeks in October.
Speaker:We'll continue per usual with biweekly
Speaker:new powerful episodes.
Speaker:But as we have been talking a lot about the
Speaker:awakened masculine and the awakened feminine, and
Speaker:of course masculine and feminine dynamics, I want
Speaker:to share with you some highlights of my previous
Speaker:episodes over the years.
Speaker:In this episode today, we're focusing on the highlights
Speaker:about the awakened masculine.
Speaker:What are the traits of an awakened man?
Speaker:How does an awakened man show up in relationship and what is
Speaker:required for an awakened man to truly connect and live from
Speaker:his awakened masculine core?
Speaker:Today's highlights will give deep answers for
Speaker:both men and women.
Speaker:Welcome to the Masculine and Feminine Dynamics podcast.
Speaker:My name is Lorin Krenn and I'm a relationship coach.
Speaker:I help you to embody your awakened masculine
Speaker:and awakened feminine in relationships and life.
Speaker:Let's dive in.
Speaker:The relationship to our parents has an enormous
Speaker:impact, the biggest impact in our intimate life later on.
Speaker:And in this context, if the relationship to your father,
Speaker:but you're a woman or a man was in any way traumatizing
Speaker:or wound that's, then there's a hundred percent guarantee
Speaker:that that is going to show up in your intimately.
Speaker:I want to share a little bit about it with my own journey
Speaker:of working through my father wounds, as this will help
Speaker:you or help some of youm and lead into what's the first
Speaker:foundational step in order to start your healing journey.
Speaker:My father died of colon cancer in a three year battle, and
Speaker:each year I saw him getting thinner and weaker, until he
Speaker:eventually died in my arms.
Speaker:Now, the more ill my father became and the more
Speaker:emotionally unavailable thereby he became, of
Speaker:course, because all his energy went into healing
Speaker:and trying to overcome this illness, the more unsafe and
Speaker:less secure I felt inside myself, inside my body.
Speaker:Everyone who suffers from the father wound in any shape
Speaker:or form feels unsafe and feels a lack of security and
Speaker:trust inside their own body.
Speaker:You see, if a father has done the deep work and feels
Speaker:secure and safe in his own body, then he's presence
Speaker:becomes so immensely healing.
Speaker:And as a woman or as a man, as a child, you pick
Speaker:this up, you feel this, and you'll take this on.
Speaker:It gives you an immense trust in your life.
Speaker:A trust in your body, uh, a safety inside yourself.
Speaker:And this is invaluable.
Speaker:This is invaluable in every single area of your life, and
Speaker:especially in your intimate relationships, because for
Speaker:instance, it couldn't be any easier to fall into toxic
Speaker:and dysfunctional dynamics in your intimate life, if
Speaker:you don't feel safe and secure in your own body.
Speaker:Now, when we have a strong father wounds, as we don't
Speaker:mention, we don't feel safe in our own body, one of the
Speaker:number one reasons for that is that our awareness cannot
Speaker:flow easily into our body.
Speaker:The reason is, is because when you first try to connect
Speaker:and bring your awareness into your body, is that
Speaker:you are going to feel all these unresolved trauma, all
Speaker:your unexpressed emotions.
Speaker:They're going to be in the way of you
Speaker:connecting to your body.
Speaker:See it in this way.
Speaker:You have left your home.
Speaker:Let's say your body, your temple is a house with a
Speaker:big garden, but if you have left that place for so many
Speaker:years, weeds started to grow.
Speaker:That garden became uncontrollable.
Speaker:Branches started to build up and you don't even know
Speaker:where the door is anymore into your home, into your body.
Speaker:And this is this, this symbolizes that because
Speaker:when it then first start to reconnect and bring
Speaker:your awareness to your body, you start to first
Speaker:go into that garden and you exp you don't even know
Speaker:where to find that door.
Speaker:All you see is confusion.
Speaker:This is because now for the first time you're turning your
Speaker:awareness to all this pain, to all this confusion, all this
Speaker:anxiety that has been building up in most cases for decades
Speaker:or many, many, many years.
Speaker:Trauma is stored inside our body.
Speaker:So anything that you can do, any trauma release
Speaker:breathwork, any trauma release methods, anything
Speaker:that your heart calls you, that your intuition guides
Speaker:you towards, anything that has to do with somatic healing is
Speaker:from my experience crucial.
Speaker:And you just cannot get away from that in order to work
Speaker:through these weeds, and all the things that have been
Speaker:created, this first layer that your awareness has
Speaker:to work through until it's able to enter your body.
Speaker:Today I am going to talk about a specific
Speaker:relationship dynamic that I've seen again and again.
Speaker:I call this dynamic the woman with the father
Speaker:wound and the man with the unworthiness wound.
Speaker:This is the dynamic where seemingly, no matter how a
Speaker:man shows up, no matter what it does, no matter how hard
Speaker:he tries, nothing seems to be enough for the woman.
Speaker:She seems to demand the impossible for him, from him.
Speaker:And in response to this, he tries harder and
Speaker:harder to please her, to meet her expectations.
Speaker:Both end up feeling disappointed, both end
Speaker:up feeling resentment, and both in this dynamic
Speaker:end up feeling unworthy.
Speaker:Here in this dynamic, the two wounds feed each other
Speaker:perfectly and often the woman gets labeled as the one who
Speaker:brings all the trauma, the woman with the dead issues.
Speaker:However, a dynamic is always co-created.
Speaker:In this dynamic, both are part of this dynamic, both
Speaker:are feeding this dynamic and both are coming from
Speaker:a place of wounding.
Speaker:If a man embodies his awakened masculine core,
Speaker:he would not find himself in such a dynamic.
Speaker:Now the unique responsibility for the man here is to
Speaker:set very clear boundaries.
Speaker:This might sound like the following.
Speaker:I am here for you when you need me.
Speaker:I want to create safety for you.
Speaker:But for instance, calling me names or talking to me in this
Speaker:way is deeply disrespectful.
Speaker:I want to be there for you, but I cannot if
Speaker:you show up in this way.
Speaker:Now, of course, speak your truth.
Speaker:Don't just take these words, stand your ground.
Speaker:Allow them to come from your deepest truth, not from a
Speaker:place of, of your shadow, of being in a state of emotional
Speaker:reactivity, but from your grounded power, from your
Speaker:grounded presence, because this will be infinitely
Speaker:amplified and infinitely powerful ultimately.
Speaker:And of course, also be mindful of how your shadow might
Speaker:use this then, um, Okay.
Speaker:If you show up in this way, I can't be there for you.
Speaker:That's not what I'm talking about, right?
Speaker:That's why it's so subtle, these energy,
Speaker:energy dynamics here.
Speaker:But for instance, if she's calling you names, if she's
Speaker:clearly deeply disrespecting you, then of course that is
Speaker:not coming from her oracle.
Speaker:And then you will set a very clear boundary, and you can
Speaker:do this by standing in your power, by letting her know,
Speaker:yes, I want to be there for you, but if you show up or
Speaker:call me this way or show up in this disrespectful way, then
Speaker:I cannot be there for you.
Speaker:Like a really powerful, fiercely loving boundary.
Speaker:Now you might ask, what if one party does not
Speaker:take responsibility?
Speaker:Let's go into this.
Speaker:If the man doesn't take responsibility, and for
Speaker:instance, the woman starts to shift by becoming
Speaker:aware of where she, where you are coming from and
Speaker:letting him in, rather than pushing him away and
Speaker:setting him up for failure, you then will definitely
Speaker:create more harmony.
Speaker:But still, if the man does not work on his hero complex
Speaker:or works on his pleaser, being the nice guy, um, then
Speaker:you won't experience the strong intimacy and the depth
Speaker:that you both deeply desire because there is clearly a
Speaker:lack of dark masculine energy.
Speaker:There is a lack of ability for, from him to stand his
Speaker:ground, to speak his truth, to embody the warrior archetype.
Speaker:And when you both take that responsibility, then
Speaker:you can both shift the dynamic entirely because
Speaker:you interrupt the pattern.
Speaker:And now the wounds cannot feed from each other
Speaker:anymore because you have interrupted a pattern
Speaker:and you are now creating a new conscious, loving
Speaker:reality for both of you.
Speaker:The relationship that you both want to truly
Speaker:deep down experience.
Speaker:There are many traits that an awakened man embodies.
Speaker:Number one trait, and this core trait is that
Speaker:he lives with integrity.
Speaker:He is in integrity with the feminine, with life, with
Speaker:everything and everyone.
Speaker:And as a man, if you're listening to this, Reclaiming
Speaker:your integrity, that part of you that yearns to be in
Speaker:integrity is the key thing in your spiritual journey.
Speaker:The second trait that he embodies is
Speaker:grounded spirituality.
Speaker:One of the most common traps that men fall into is that
Speaker:they step into, or they start doing the spiritual
Speaker:work, but it just makes them lost more in their heads and
Speaker:living from their heads and being in the clouds, instead
Speaker:of actually being in their.
Speaker:body Because at the end of the day, spirituality is about
Speaker:being able to be in our body.
Speaker:Because only when we set our roots deep into
Speaker:the earth can we then actually start to elevate.
Speaker:Now the third trait that a, an awakened man embodies is
Speaker:that he is willing and open to receive the feminine oracle,
Speaker:even if it is challenging.
Speaker:This doesn't mean he will always jump around,
Speaker:enjoy, or, or deeply enjoy the experience.
Speaker:It might be extremely challenging At the same
Speaker:time, he will also not blame you for it or project his
Speaker:shadow on you and see you as the threat, instead he
Speaker:will take responsibility, and he will, he will receive
Speaker:you, and will, and will give his best to listen to you.
Speaker:The fourth trait is that he is not a pushover.
Speaker:He embodies fierce love.
Speaker:Or we can say the wild man within him, the the
Speaker:warrior archetype, right?
Speaker:He's not passive, complacent.
Speaker:He's not afraid to speak his truth, to set boundaries, to
Speaker:truly stand for his truth.
Speaker:So even though his practice is to receive your oracle,
Speaker:he will also not be afraid to set boundaries and to
Speaker:speak his truth, to stand in his truth when you as the
Speaker:feminine, or when a woman projects her wounds onto you.
Speaker:This is so crucial because if all the other things,
Speaker:if they're there but then he puts the feminine on a
Speaker:pedestal or you are passive and complacent, that is
Speaker:also not going to lead to the intimate life that
Speaker:you want to experience.
Speaker:And to, and that is also not going to lead
Speaker:to trust and safety and deeper connection and
Speaker:intimacy with the feminine.
Speaker:Most men have a wound around receiving the feminine heart.
Speaker:Not because they don't want to feel the love or have an
Speaker:issue, um, with receiving love from the feminine.
Speaker:But receiving her heart often means getting in touch with
Speaker:our own deepest emotions.
Speaker:So if we are avoiding certain things and certain shame
Speaker:and guilt and anger, then feeling her heart means we
Speaker:cannot feel her heart without simultaneously feeling
Speaker:our own deepest emotions.
Speaker:And this is how you can always create safety
Speaker:for the feminine.
Speaker:Because it's not a performance, it's
Speaker:not a script, it's not some bullshit.
Speaker:It is you doing the deepest work of feeling into a
Speaker:feminine, feeling into a body, and then responding from a
Speaker:deeper intelligence within your, rather from your mind,
Speaker:trying to fix it, trying to find some logical solutions
Speaker:or anything like that.
Speaker:Thank you for listening to these episodes.
Speaker:Now, if you have gained value and deep insights
Speaker:from this or any other episode, then I invite you
Speaker:to share the podcast with someone who you think will
Speaker:benefit greatly from it.
Speaker:And of course, if you share it on your socials and it
Speaker:reaches more people, that would mean the world to me.
Speaker:These are easy ways how you can support us in
Speaker:ensuring that we can continue doing these
Speaker:episodes entirely for free.
Speaker:As well, if you haven't subscribed to the podcast
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Speaker:a new episode comes out on your favorite podcast
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Speaker:or also you can watch it on YouTube, um, you're going
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Speaker:I've got some other free offerings.
Speaker:For example, my newsletter.
Speaker:Um, every week comes out a really, really powerful
Speaker:in-depth newsletter covering a different topic,
Speaker:and you can check that out in the show notes.
Speaker:And also I've got free eBooks, which are in the
Speaker:show notes, one about the awakened masculine and one
Speaker:about the awakened feminine.
Speaker:Now, once again, thank you so much for being here and
Speaker:I wish you an amazing day wherever you are, and only
Speaker:the very best on your journey.