How to Attract a Conscious Partner
Attracting a conscious partner can be a frustrating process. It can feel like we’re doing everything right but still aren’t seeing the results we want. This can lead to restlessness, a sense of pressure, and crippling self-doubt.
But there are practical steps we can take to create space for the right person to enter our lives. We need to shift our energy from frustration to grounded excitement and let go of trying to control the timeline.
Frustration and resistance can weigh us down and keep us stuck. We might start viewing our journey with negativity or start sabotaging the process altogether. This takes the joy out of the present moment and creates unnecessary suffering.
This episode will help you create a calm space, drop into your heart, and let your deepest intuition guide you. This small action can begin to shift your energy and align you with the love you’re seeking.
Mentioned in this episode:
Healing Your Relationship with the Masculine
A 4-week immersive program for women, starting 2nd March 2025
Discerning Narcissists in Relationships
A 2½-hour workshop to recognize and break free from toxic dynamics
Today I'm going to share with you how you can attract the
Speaker:conscious partner into your life.
Speaker:Whether you are at the beginning of this journey or you've already done a lot of
Speaker:work around this, and now find yourself in a sense of frustration and in a
Speaker:sense of why is this not happening yet?
Speaker:What else do I need to do?
Speaker:Or what do I need to release?
Speaker:To make this episode as powerful as possible, I'm going to start
Speaker:with the common pitfalls that even very conscious people fall into.
Speaker:Then I'm going to share with you the exact.
Speaker:Practice of how you can attract a conscious partner into your . , the
Speaker:exact practice that allows for the highest possibility for you to draw
Speaker:a divine partnership into your life.
Speaker:And of course, I will also share with you what it is exactly that
Speaker:you need to release in your life, in order to make space energetically
Speaker:for this divine union to enter your life, and I will share practical
Speaker:steps on how you can do that.
Speaker:This episode was inspired by someone, um, in the broadcast channel.
Speaker:I've got a broadcast channel on Instagram and I take a lot of
Speaker:inspiration from the broadcast channel, and last week I asked what
Speaker:topics you would like to hear more of.
Speaker:And the most liked one was around attracting a conscious partner and
Speaker:feeling frustration around this.
Speaker:So make sure to follow my broadcast channel, because this allows me to
Speaker:serve you much deeper when you share your input around what you want
Speaker:me to create more content about.
Speaker:Welcome to the Masculine and Feminine Dynamics podcast.
Speaker:My name is Lorin Krenn and I'm a coach, author, and hypnotherapist.
Speaker:I help you to understand masculine and feminine dynamics.
Speaker:Let's dive in.
Speaker:Pitfall number one, that so many people, even very conscious people
Speaker:fall into on in this journey of attracting a conscious partner is
Speaker:forcing the process too much, adding too much pressure to this process.
Speaker:I need to attract them.
Speaker:What else do I need to do to attract them?
Speaker:Why are they not here in my life?
Speaker:I think I'm doing everything right, but how can this be?
Speaker:Let's slow down for a moment.
Speaker:It is very powerful to be excited about something.
Speaker:But we need to be, we need to discern between grounded excitement
Speaker:and ungrounded excitement.
Speaker:Ungrounded excitement is something that either is or quickly turns into some
Speaker:kind of nervousness, a nervous anxiety.
Speaker:It's not something that empowers you, but you are not rooted,
Speaker:that you are not grounded.
Speaker:It's like, oh wow, and the energy is, is hectic and everything is in a rush.
Speaker:And even very conscious people find themselves often falling into this
Speaker:energy unknowingly in this process.
Speaker:And, and you become restless in a way.
Speaker:And also hidden within ungrounded excitement often lie unconscious
Speaker:expectations, attachment to the outcome of when, how.
Speaker:It's going to be.
Speaker:What happens when we have these expectations is then if
Speaker:it doesn't happen, we kind of have an internal narrative.
Speaker:Why is this not happening?
Speaker:Am I doing something wrong?
Speaker:Why is this happening for others, but maybe it's not happening for me?
Speaker:Here, you can see that then limiting stories and
Speaker:interpretations, interpretations and beliefs start to be created.
Speaker:And in truth, that's just unnecessary suffering that we add to this journey.
Speaker:And I'm gonna share much more and get very practical today, which
Speaker:will allow you to really, really see with clarity what I mean here,
Speaker:why it is unnecessary suffering.
Speaker:Also, within that unconscious expectation can still
Speaker:lie some form of fantasy.
Speaker:A fantasy that they will make me happy, my life will finally be in alignment,
Speaker:finally be this, finally, this will happen when they enter my life.
Speaker:The grounded approach to this is they will wonderfully compliment
Speaker:and amplify my life, but I still have to do the work.
Speaker:So no matter how secure they are, no matter how conscious they are,
Speaker:they cannot heal anything for me.
Speaker:We can heal together, but even in the most divine union, we still have
Speaker:our unique journey of soul expansion and our unique shadows that we need
Speaker:to face and work with and integrate.
Speaker:You see that the ungrounded excitement, the fantasy, the unconscious
Speaker:expectations are still in a very subtle way, a form of escapism.
Speaker:They over glorify the whole thing.
Speaker:And when I say over glorify a divine partnership, from my understanding
Speaker:and embodied awareness is the most sacred blessing in this life.
Speaker:But when I say over glorify, I'm saying glorify this narrative that by being
Speaker:in this relationship, it will heal you.
Speaker:It will change everything.
Speaker:It will, but it will also lead you to have your shadows
Speaker:really intensely exposed.
Speaker:And that's an intense process.
Speaker:And we need to be mindful to not over glorify that, because when we over
Speaker:glorified it, we essentially only focus on how it will amplify our life.
Speaker:But it's both, and that's why a grounded excitement is this deeper
Speaker:understanding that we don't need to be in a state of waiting and hecticness
Speaker:and restlessness, because the challenges we have are not gonna go away.
Speaker:That restlessness might still be there, but reveal itself in a different way.
Speaker:So the frustration you feel around attracting a conscious partner is
Speaker:not gonna go away when you meet them.
Speaker:Why not?
Speaker:Because the frustration is not just around drawing them into your life.
Speaker:It's something deeper inside you.
Speaker:This might be hard to hear, but I trust that when you are here, that your heart
Speaker:is open to perhaps receive this, or to at least reflect about this within
Speaker:the depths of your own powerful heart.
Speaker:Pitfall number two, making quote unquote bad experiences
Speaker:part of the story of suffering.
Speaker:So for instance, many people who are very focused on attracting a conscious
Speaker:partner into their life, any date, any experience, that doesn't go unbelievably
Speaker:well in the sense that they meet the perfect partner and everything is divine
Speaker:from that moment on becomes part of a story of suffering that you're doing
Speaker:something wrong and, and why have you attracted that, and why are you
Speaker:experiencing that, and why have you not seen this before, that this is not the
Speaker:right relationship, or not in alignment?
Speaker:And then it becomes this heaviness, this heavy story, this frustration, a
Speaker:date doesn't go the way you want to and, and it feels like the end of the world.
Speaker:A relationship doesn't turn out to be what you thought it would
Speaker:be, which is very painful, but.
Speaker:It, it can lead you to see all these things through a very negative lens.
Speaker:The negative lens, it's still not happening after
Speaker:all the things I've done.
Speaker:The frustrating lens,
Speaker:if you are trying too hard, then you are putting too much pressure
Speaker:on yourself, and in a way you are sabotaging the process because the
Speaker:idea is to take aligned action.
Speaker:The practice, and we're gonna talk soon about the practice
Speaker:in detail of attracting a conscious partner, is alignment.
Speaker:Aligning every area of your life to this reality.
Speaker:The more you are in alignment, the higher the chance of
Speaker:drawing them into your life.
Speaker:And if you are frustrated, if you have some story, why is it not happening?
Speaker:I'm doing all these things and you're constantly worried.
Speaker:Is it happening for me?
Speaker:Maybe it's for others, maybe not for me, maybe, then you are in a
Speaker:way sabotaging the process because you are taking away the joy of the
Speaker:now and over glorifying the sense that then that frustration will
Speaker:magically dissolve when you meet them.
Speaker:Pitfall number three, believing you have control over the timeline.
Speaker:Whew, that's a big one.
Speaker:Many people try to control the process of attracting a
Speaker:conscious partner into their life.
Speaker:They try to control unconsciously, the divine timeline in a sense of,
Speaker:I say, this is going to happen now, and why is this not happening now?
Speaker:Which causes so much resistance to how the present moment journey is unfolding.
Speaker:It's essentially saying, I know better than life, better than the
Speaker:universe, better than God, better than the, than the divine source.
Speaker:And when we do that, boom, it's just there is a shift in our energy,
Speaker:and we are just not as aligned and not as connected to the divine
Speaker:source and to divine guidance.
Speaker:Just because you are doing everything right doesn't mean a conscious partner
Speaker:is going to knock on your door tomorrow.
Speaker:Please stop shaming yourself.
Speaker:Stop believing in narratives that you control this universe through
Speaker:every thought, every action.
Speaker:You do have a lot of power, but every soul goes through their
Speaker:unique, specific journey and there are so many nuances to your journey.
Speaker:Some people are so unconscious and meet the right partner.
Speaker:Some people meet the right.
Speaker:Partner late in their life and they have been deep practitioners for decades.
Speaker:Does that mean the person who has been a deep practitioner has
Speaker:done something terribly wrong?
Speaker:It means they are on a unique and different journey.
Speaker:Let's let go of this idea that the manifestation teachings
Speaker:have brought into this world that we control everything.
Speaker:The idea of manifestation is surrender.
Speaker:Control what you can control, but let go, let go of what you cannot
Speaker:control or what is up to the divine plan, to the divine source.
Speaker:Manifestation has become this frustrated, pushing, forcing,
Speaker:aggressive, productive, hardworking thing, but manifestation has always
Speaker:been about alignment and surrender.
Speaker:It's not about passively doing nothing, but it's about taking aligned action.
Speaker:And aligned action is when you surrender to the deeper
Speaker:process and the deeper guidance.
Speaker:Do your work.
Speaker:Control what you can control, which is your practices, how you show
Speaker:up in most moments, and ultimately your energy, and then relax and
Speaker:allow yourself to surrender, receive, and allow the universe and
Speaker:the divine source to do its work.
Speaker:Once you remove the pressure and the resistance and frustration
Speaker:out of attracting a conscious partner, the journey becomes so
Speaker:much more fulfilling and aligned.
Speaker:The final pitfall before I reveal the exact practice and what you
Speaker:need to release to make space for them to enter your life, the final
Speaker:pitfall is fate and free will.
Speaker:Most people have never heard it from this lens before, perhaps.
Speaker:If we say everything is predestined in our lives, then this could lead us
Speaker:to be very passive in the process of manifesting anything, or specifically
Speaker:here manifesting a conscious partner.
Speaker:But if we say everything is free will, then this leads us back to what
Speaker:I shared before, trying to control too much and believing that we are
Speaker:responsible for everything that happens, that we control the whole universe.
Speaker:So too much of one creates an imbalance.
Speaker:I say it is the middle path, the harmonious path.
Speaker:I say there is fate, there is divine destiny, and then there is
Speaker:your free will to choose and align with your path, with your deeper
Speaker:purpose, with your deeper soul's mission, which is your destiny.
Speaker:And aligning with that is your free will, is your choice,
Speaker:because many people have a lot of potential, but perhaps they're
Speaker:closing themselves off to the path.
Speaker:And then you could argue life will throw things into their life that awaken
Speaker:them, but still there has to be a choice within that they choose to be awakened.
Speaker:And heal through the painful experiences.
Speaker:So there is a free will component in this, but it's not all free will.
Speaker:At least from my embodied understanding, there is a divine
Speaker:plan, a divine destiny, and then there is our free will in our
Speaker:conscious choice to align with it.
Speaker:And this allows you to see this from a very balanced, harmonious, and
Speaker:freeing perspective and approach.
Speaker:So let me reveal the exact practice, and there is a lot to say around
Speaker:this, but I'm gonna keep this concise, clear, and really practical.
Speaker:Number one.
Speaker:I invite you to write down on a list, on a paper, not about how the person
Speaker:looks, what languages they speak, even though that might be interesting, but
Speaker:not focusing on how they look, where or what exactly is going to happen, but
Speaker:to focus solely on how you feel in your heart and soul when you are with them.
Speaker:Don't get specific on how, where, what, get specific extremely specific,
Speaker:as specific as you possibly can, as detailed as you can around how
Speaker:it lights up your soul, how safe you feel, how at home you feel.
Speaker:And once you have done this, it's very important to do
Speaker:this from an aligned energy.
Speaker:Do some breath work to create a sacred space.
Speaker:Do some practice.
Speaker:Drop into your body and heart.
Speaker:Do whatever you need to do to align your energy.
Speaker:Otherwise, if you're distracted, and then just write it quickly down, it
Speaker:won't be as powerful because it won't come from your deepest being and the
Speaker:clearest channel from within you.
Speaker:And then I invite you to read that out loud every single day as
Speaker:part of your spiritual practice alongside the things you do.
Speaker:And if you don't, I invite you to incorporate a powerful spiritual
Speaker:practice because we all need that in this hectic and overstimulated life.
Speaker:And once you read that every single day, really feeling into this
Speaker:and even perhaps meditating and visualizing and feeling into that
Speaker:to make it even more powerful.
Speaker:The second thing is I invite you to go and initiate an energetic cleanse
Speaker:in your life, cleansing everything and clearing everything in your life step
Speaker:by step, don't put too much pressure on yourself, doesn't have to be perfect.
Speaker:But to create space.
Speaker:In both your physical environment, your emotional and spiritual inner
Speaker:environment for them to enter your life.
Speaker:This means from cleansing and clearing old painful emotions to
Speaker:clothes and gadgets and tools you no longer use, things that are
Speaker:just lying around in the house.
Speaker:Get practical around what is it that you want to clear?
Speaker:What is it that you want to cleanse?
Speaker:Because all of this allows you to free up awareness, allows you to create
Speaker:space internally and in your energy field for them to enter your life.
Speaker:Which leads us to the third and most important one, and that is
Speaker:to look in your life where you are currently out of alignment.
Speaker:Much more important than writing down a list, or equally as important,
Speaker:is to look at all the areas where you are out of alignment.
Speaker:Because if you are completely out of alignment in your career, for
Speaker:instance, then this is going to impact your energy incredibly.
Speaker:If you are completely out of alignment, and meeting people who don't make
Speaker:you feel safe whatsoever, this is going to impact your energy a lot.
Speaker:So look at anything in your life that impacts your energy a lot, and clear
Speaker:and cleanse yourself from that, if possible, to make space, because then
Speaker:your energy is much more in alignment.
Speaker:Now for some of you, listen, if you have to be in a job for a few years
Speaker:longer or for whatever timeframe, because you have to, please do not
Speaker:take this in the sense of that, you need to now give that up in order to.
Speaker:There are no black and white rules in that sense, in the universe.
Speaker:You can have a job you're not as passionate about and still attract
Speaker:the conscious partner into your life.
Speaker:But at least you have to work on creating some form of balance.
Speaker:You have to work on, not allowing it to take over your entire life,
Speaker:or at least you have to work in some way on a strategy to
Speaker:eventually free yourself from that.
Speaker:And as you do that, you are already getting back into alignment.
Speaker:It's not about being perfectly healed or being perfectly in alignment.
Speaker:It's about taking the steps we need to take where we are in our present moment.
Speaker:And that's it.
Speaker:If you do these three things, if you really devote yourself to this
Speaker:and you stay consistent with them, please write these things down or
Speaker:really listen again because it's that powerful and that potent, if you do
Speaker:that, then you create the highest possibility of drawing and attracting
Speaker:a conscious partner into your life.
Speaker:And in that journey, you will feel fulfilled, you will feel aligned,
Speaker:and you won't give away your joy and all of that until it finally happens.
Speaker:Thank you so much for listening to this episode.
Speaker:I'm so honored to be of service in your powerful and divine and sacred journey.
Speaker:In order for us to continue to serve you at the highest level and to provide
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Speaker:I also invite you to join my broadcast channel in Instagram.
Speaker:If you click on my Instagram account in the, in the profile, you will be
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Speaker:There you can suggest content.
Speaker:Periodically will, will be asking what content you want to hear most of,
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Speaker:And then the one that gets it, it feels in most alignment
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Speaker:I'm going to choose that.
Speaker:There is a highly likelihood that many, many topics will be chosen.
Speaker:Now if you want to benefit from more free offerings, I invite you
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Speaker:Once again, I'm so honored to be of service in your journey.
Speaker:It means the world to me, and I wish you a wonderful day and upcoming
Speaker:weeks wherever you are right now.