Women’s Intuition – Why They Know and Feel Everything
Women have a unique ability to sense and feel subtle changes and shifts. But this ability can trigger defensiveness and resistance in their male partners. This resistance can be harm the growth and evolution of the relationship, causing stagnation and even leading to dysfunctional dynamics.
As Lorin explores in this episode, the key lies in acknowledging and validating the woman's intuition and using it as a tool for growth and deeper connection. For men, this means recognising when they’re triggered, being honest about it, and thanking their partner for their insights. For women, it means not taking the resistance personally and reframing it as a reflection of the other’s inability to hold deep truths, rather than a judgment of their intuitive power.
If the woman feels invalidated and the man stays stuck in his defensiveness, this will harm a relationship in the long term. It can lead to resentment, and create a stalemate where neither party evolves or grows.
But understanding the power of a woman's intuition and how to work with it it can be a game-changer. We can start by sharing our feelings, expressing when we feel triggered, and practicing active listening to validate and honour each-other's experiences.
Mentioned in this episode:
Healing Your Relationship with the Masculine
A 4-week immersive program for women, starting 2nd March 2025
Today we're going to talk about the power of a woman's intuition.
Speaker:Why a woman, especially a conscious woman, seemingly knows and feels everything.
Speaker:And how can we harness this incredible gift to go deeper in a relationship?
Speaker:How can you, as a woman, embody and connect with your intuition more?
Speaker:And how can you as a man sharpen your awareness and grow profoundly as a man through the gift of her intuition?
Speaker:This and much more will be covered in today's episode.
Speaker:Welcome to the Masculine and Feminine Dynamics Podcast.
Speaker:My name is Lorin Krenn and I'm a coach, author, and hypnotherapist.
Speaker:I help you to create the relationship you want.
Speaker:Let's dive in.
Speaker:I've had this experience so many times where my wife would feel that my state or my disconnect, or me being disconnected from myself, me being in a challenging emotional state, she would feel it before I would actually become aware of what was going on inside me.
Speaker:And this happens in so many relationships that the woman or the feminine identified being is able to feel these subtle shifts so profoundly.
Speaker:And for us men or masculine identified beings, we are often shut down from that.
Speaker:We're not connected to that.
Speaker:We're not aware of what is going on at a subtle, energetic level within us.
Speaker:So it's incredibly profound how my wife can feel all these things, and when she makes me aware of it, that can be triggering for so many men because the first instinctual response is that's not true.
Speaker:No, no, no.
Speaker:I'm fine.
Speaker:No, there's nothing going on.
Speaker:Almost like a kind of pushing away, but you see, if nothing would be going on, then would there be a trigger?
Speaker:No, because if a man is completely grounded, then he would simply answer everything is fine, and there will be the energy, that embodiment behind that When it's an emotional trigger, it's our shadow responding in these moments, our shadow that does not want to see this, for us to become aware of this, for this to be brought to the light, to our conscious awareness.
Speaker:That is why I say the feminine is the internal leader or the spiritual leader.
Speaker:The masculine is the external leader.
Speaker:The one who puts it into action, who turns the vision into reality, she's the vision.
Speaker:She's the oracle, she's a master at feeling any subtle change and shift in energy.
Speaker:When a man sees this as an invitation for him to step deeper into his power, to actually become aware of his true blind spots, that no matter how much he meditates, how much spiritual work he does, he would normally not be aware of.
Speaker:Can you see both, as a man and a woman, what an incredible gift this offers?
Speaker:A gift of true expansion, a gift of healing.
Speaker:And now some people think and believe, oh, this is only serving the man.
Speaker:How could this be serving a woman?
Speaker:Well, ultimately it is meant to serve both.
Speaker:It is meant to serve the union.
Speaker:Because as a woman embodies her intuition and as a man, as hard as it might be in a particular moment, specifically using the example I've just given you, when I'm disconnected, my wife can feel it and she makes me aware of it, that can be challenging, but in these moments, if a man welcomes that and she can feel that warriorship, that he's not just
Speaker:pushing it away, but he's, he's there, he's present, he has the courage to actually look at what's going on and to go deeper in that moment, then that allows the feminine.
Speaker:To trust herself and to trust her intuition even deeper.
Speaker:And now you have got the dance of sacred union, or sacred intimacy, or sacred love, whatever you want to call it.
Speaker:It's about the embodied and living the experience of that.
Speaker:And as a woman is able to trust herself more intuition, she steps more into her power.
Speaker:A man is able to see his unconscious patterns.
Speaker:He's able to take responsibility, work through them, and both really expand.
Speaker:The more awakened the woman is, the more razor sharp her intuition becomes, and the heavier and more intense and even aggressive the resistance and defensiveness towards her intuition is going to be.
Speaker:The stronger the resistance, the more accurate.
Speaker:It most likely is.
Speaker:And this does not only revolve around a man's shadow, a conscious woman might have that experience.
Speaker:Many women on their path of awakening have this experience where they embody their intuition with family members, with female friends, and their shadow gets majorly activated.
Speaker:So this is not just in romantic relationships, but I want you to know for a woman listening, the heavier the resistance, the more intense the response, even though so challenging to experience, the more accurate and more powerful your intuition actually is.
Speaker:Ultimately, a woman's intuition exposes the shadow within others, both women and men, anyone, in every relationship, and no one wants their shadow be exposed at such a direct, clear level.
Speaker:And yet here is where for us men, our invitation to really step into our power is.
Speaker:And this discomfort and uncomfortableness that gets stirred up, that comes from the shadow then often gets projected onto the woman who is embodying the gift of her intuition.
Speaker:At worst, she's called crazy.
Speaker:At more subtle levels.
Speaker:She's called intense, why do you have to be so intense?
Speaker:Why does this have to be a big deal?
Speaker:That's the most subtle expressions, both are painful is you are crazy, you are drama queen or whatever, or something along those lines.
Speaker:Whereas in truth, it's just activate.
Speaker:It's just these are things, the shadow within us doesn't want to hear.
Speaker:And here relationship dynamics, a relationship dynamic or cures often that is incredibly dysfunctional and so many couples are stuck in this dynamic.
Speaker:Let me make this practical.
Speaker:A woman embodies her intuition fully and gets met with total defensiveness and shut down from a man, this example in a romantic, in a romantic relationship.
Speaker:So she, she embodies her intuition fully.
Speaker:She gets met with total defensiveness and shutdown from a man.
Speaker:She then takes this personal and makes this about herself unconsciously, and believes maybe I'm too much, maybe I am too intense, maybe I'm making too much out of a deal out of this.
Speaker:Now she starts to walk on eggshells.
Speaker:This is not happening consciously in 99.9% of the cases, but a man's shadow now realizes, wow, I have power over her when I basically shut her down by telling her, this is not true, you are crazy, or anything along those lines.
Speaker:It's a way of avoiding growth, avoiding uncomfortable emotions, avoiding taking responsibility.
Speaker:Most of the time, this is unconscious, but the effects are detrimental to both.
Speaker:The man is completely stuck in a kind of tiring, dominating shadow, and the woman is completely playing small, hiding, afraid and disconnected from her true power.
Speaker:So what happens?
Speaker:Both are stuck.
Speaker:Both are not growing, both are expressing wounding are doing this dance of wounding rather than the dance of sacred intimacy of masculine, feminine, polarity of sacred union.
Speaker:Stuck means no growth.
Speaker:No growth, no real intimacy, no evolution, no nothing.
Speaker:So what can couples do in these challenging moments where a woman embodies her intuition and it's very challenging for the man to receive?
Speaker:I would say, I am triggered right now, but I feel the deeper truth in what you are saying.
Speaker:Thank you for making me aware.
Speaker:I love you.
Speaker:That is an example.
Speaker:For the men listening.
Speaker:Don't just take my words, speak your own words.
Speaker:Speak your own truth.
Speaker:They need to come from a deeper place of embodiment, otherwise they're not as powerful.
Speaker:And the reason why this is so powerful is because it validates a woman's intuition in a world that constantly tries, tell her that she's too much, too intense, too dramatic, and is making too much a deal out of things.
Speaker:So by validating her intuition, but also owning as a man that you are triggered, that's a really powerful masculine embodiment.
Speaker:And it's real because if I tell you, you have to be perfectly enlightened, feel nothing and just receive it, that's not tangible.
Speaker:This is a journey.
Speaker:Defensiveness and resistance will arise simply because a woman's intuition sees the things that we don't want to see.
Speaker:It's not gonna be comfortable, it's never going to be easy, per se.
Speaker:But as we practice this, we become better at this.
Speaker:And the reason why this is so painful for us men is because we have this conditioning.
Speaker:What is really weak is just being defensive and shutting her down.
Speaker:What is really strength is to be able to own that.
Speaker:Hey, I'm triggered, but I hear the truth in what you're saying.
Speaker:I see you.
Speaker:I take that in.
Speaker:This is also something I say all the time.
Speaker:I take that in.
Speaker:And my wife can feel that it's challenging for me, but she can also feel my warriorship and that I'm not abandoning her in this moments where she embodies her intuition because for the men listening, this is not easy for a woman.
Speaker:This is not comfortable.
Speaker:She's not having a blast and enjoying emoting her intuition.
Speaker:This is challenging because all her own abandonment, all her own fears of being rejected and being too much, and generational trauma, and conditioning of society, all that comes alive.
Speaker:So let's honor a woman who has the courage to embody her true gift, which is part of her divinity.
Speaker:Let's honor that.
Speaker:And you don't have to be perfectly enlightened as a man.
Speaker:Simply own your trigger and take it in.
Speaker:And if you really disagree, no problem, but then you are going to be calm about it.
Speaker:And your energy will speak volumes.
Speaker:And if she then is not okay with that, that's a different story.
Speaker:But usually then it's no big deal.
Speaker:She can feel that you are in your truth rather than just being defensive or trying to shut her down because it's uncomfortable.
Speaker:Two totally different things.
Speaker:It's incredibly healing to a relationship to a union when a woman's intuition is validated, This is something deeper that's happening here.
Speaker:She can now feel that it's safe to embody part of her divinity.
Speaker:She cannot just shut that down.
Speaker:Well, she can, but she's not going to be fulfilled.
Speaker:No woman is going to be fulfilled, who shuts down her intuition.
Speaker:It's like saying no to one of the biggest parts of her divinity, of her truth, of the sacred medicine she's meant to bring to this world.
Speaker:Now as a woman, how can you step more and embody your intuition more, which is your power, right?
Speaker:Your intuitive power.
Speaker:The most important thing here is realizing that part of why you are here, part of your deepest purpose in this life as the feminine is the sacred medicine of exposing the shadow in everyone, wherever that part is moving through you.
Speaker:And this will cause resistance.
Speaker:This will cause strong reactions of the shadows of others.
Speaker:Of course, if this leads to physical or verbal aggression, please remove yourself of such a space immediately.
Speaker:It's normal that this causes resistance and defensiveness and pain, but it should never, ever be abusive.
Speaker:The biggest lesson for you here is to not take it personally, but stay with me.
Speaker:You might have heard these things before many times, and you go, well, but Lorin, how do I do that?
Speaker:Well, it is to be confronted with this heavy resistance and to not give in by giving it a personal meaning about yourself.
Speaker:Because that's your own shadow, succumbing to the shadow of another.
Speaker:Shadows always play this game of victim and perpetrator.
Speaker:Always one dominates the other.
Speaker:One submits, you have this in Family Dynamics, for instance, with narcissistic parents.
Speaker:One example, narcissist shadow is unbelievably dark and strong.
Speaker:Now don't allow your own shadow to take over.
Speaker:By giving in and giving this a personal meaning such as I am too much, I get rejected for who I am.
Speaker:Who I am is too dramatic.
Speaker:Who I am is too this, too that.
Speaker:No, the person is simply unable to hold these deep truths that are born from your intuitive powers in their nervous system, because their unconsciousness has taken over.
Speaker:This is a very important insight for men as well.
Speaker:We need to cultivate the nervous system capacity as men to hold these deeper and challenging and uncomfortable truths.
Speaker:That's really attractive.
Speaker:That really creates safety and trust with the feminine at the absolute highest level.
Speaker:As a woman, ask yourself the question, what story do I need to let go of?
Speaker:Write the following down.
Speaker:What personal meaning do I give it about myself when someone responds badly to my intuition?
Speaker:Pause this podcast and really journal about that.
Speaker:Give yourself permission to release this BS story that someone responding badly to your intuition means anything about you.
Speaker:It means a lot about them, but not really a lot about you.
Speaker:There is so much more to this, and of course I go deeper into this in my women's groups or in my couples programs and campus groups, but I want to be really concise and practical here.
Speaker:I'm gonna now do a very, very quick summary to wrap this episode up.
Speaker:A woman's intuition is in service to the evolution of consciousness.
Speaker:As her intuitive insights come from a deeper intelligence, she's connected to a deeper intelligence, and if harnessed by both her and, the masculine identified being, it becomes the most powerful way to go deeper in a relationship.
Speaker:If this is being dismissed and shut down, it becomes the breaking point of a relationship.
Speaker:Women need to learn to release the personal story and meaning their shadow gives it.
Speaker:,When someone responds negatively to their intuitive powers.
Speaker:That is how women reclaim their power.
Speaker:Men need to embrace it as their spiritual warriorship practice to develop the nervous system capacity to hold these deep and uncomfortable truths without trying to shut her down, pushing her away, and escaping into comfort.
Speaker:And what happens when both take full responsibility for their part in this?
Speaker:Now you have the most incredible conscious relationship dynamic with strong polarity safety, trust.
Speaker:And from that state, so much evolution, so much growth, and so much healing naturally takes place from moment to moment.
Speaker:Thank you for being here.
Speaker:As you can sense and hear and probably feel in my energy, I am so inspired to share my teachings, to share my insights from the countless of men, women, individuals, couples I work with, to share this here with you in this podcast.
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Speaker:Once again, thank you so much for being here.
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