Understand Women Better: Why Women Say “Maybe”
What do women mean when they say “maybe”? For men, this can feel like a lack of clarity, but it goes much, much deeper. In this episode, Lorin uncovers ways to create more polarity by embracing the differences in communication styles between the masculine and the feminine.
The feminine’s use of "maybe" and similar expressions is a natural part of their style of communication. This style actually creates attraction and polarity between the masculine and the feminine. This invites the masculine to embody his innate energy by offering direction, leadership, and decisiveness when a woman expresses "maybe".
When we misunderstand and judge one another's communication style, we risk losing the depth of connection and polarity essential for a thriving relationship. But we have the opportunity to create a stronger bond and foster deeper intimacy by recognising and authentically responding to each-other’s style.
Mentioned in this episode:
Healing Your Relationship with the Masculine
A 4-week immersive program for women, starting 2nd March 2025
Today's episode is another episode of Understand Women Better,
Speaker:why women love to say maybe.
Speaker:This leads us into a deeper conversation around communication between men
Speaker:and women, and how to make sure that communication creates deeper intimacy
Speaker:and connection rather than disconnect.
Speaker:When a woman says maybe, or the infinite other expressions of it, it
Speaker:provides a great opportunity for a man to embody his masculine energy to
Speaker:create more connection and intimacy.
Speaker:Often men are not aware of this opportunity, and women are often also
Speaker:not aware of their silent yearning that comes with saying maybe.
Speaker:And why they feel disconnection and the lack of safety if the masculine
Speaker:doesn't respond in a specific way to it.
Speaker:This topic might be triggering to some.
Speaker:Please stay with me.
Speaker:There are nuances to this and important distinctions.
Speaker:Welcome to the Masculine and Feminine Dynamics Podcast.
Speaker:My name is Lorin Krenn and I a relationship coach.
Speaker:I help you to embody your awakened masculine and feminine
Speaker:in relationships and life.
Speaker:Let's dive in.
Speaker:The more feminine a woman's core energy is, the more she will say things such
Speaker:as maybe and infinite expressions of it in conversation with a man.
Speaker:Maybe we should do this.
Speaker:Maybe we should do that.
Speaker:Maybe I should do this.
Speaker:Maybe I should get this dress.
Speaker:You name it.
Speaker:And the infinite other versions of it.
Speaker:This can make men restless.
Speaker:Why is she not clearly expressing her needs and what she wants?
Speaker:Can this not be simpler?
Speaker:This is because it is a very masculine style of communication to say, this is
Speaker:what I need, this is what I want, and this is what I'm going to get or do.
Speaker:It is simply part of a feminine style of communication to express these
Speaker:things in a perhaps more vague and somewhat poetic and abstract way.
Speaker:And this is actually good because this is actually what causes
Speaker:attraction, because difference is what causes attraction and polarity.
Speaker:If a man would feel that a woman has the exact same style of communication as he
Speaker:does, he would not feel deep attraction.
Speaker:And vice versa, if a, if you as a woman with a feminine core notice that the
Speaker:man your with is expressing himself in a very vague and abstract way without
Speaker:clarity, without direction, without purpose, without decisiveness, then
Speaker:that's going to lose lead to a lack of attraction, a lack, a loss of polarity.
Speaker:And of course this does not apply to commitment, to
Speaker:fundamentals in a relationship.
Speaker:If you as a woman or if a woman as a male is, and if a woman says
Speaker:to you, maybe I want to be in a relationship with you, this has nothing
Speaker:to do with the deeper topic we're going into here in just a second.
Speaker:That is just simply an unconscious way of relating that will be immature.
Speaker:I'm referring to in a relationship or as you are dating, and this comes up in
Speaker:conversation about small things, not about fundamental things, about commitment in
Speaker:a relationship or anything like that.
Speaker:Let's use a practical example here.
Speaker:She says to you, maybe we should go out for dinner tonight.
Speaker:Understanding how a feminine style of communication works, this,
Speaker:of course means, in other words, I want to go out for dinner.
Speaker:That is my desire.
Speaker:That's what I'm feeling.
Speaker:That's what I want.
Speaker:And now you as a man, many men here respond in a way
Speaker:such as, yes, sounds good.
Speaker:Where do you want to go?
Speaker:And in that very moment, it's not the end of the world if you say that.
Speaker:But in that very moment, you are pushing her in a subtle way into her masculine
Speaker:energy because you're saying yes, but you choose, you make a decision for us.
Speaker:And this in a subtle way, it's not that it creates a major feeling of
Speaker:unsafety and distrust that will be really exaggerated, this is something small.
Speaker:But at a deeper, subtle level, it doesn't allow her to be fully in her feminine
Speaker:around you if you constantly do that.
Speaker:And that might be a pattern, and that is a pattern for many men
Speaker:that they have to be very aware of.
Speaker:And if instead you say I would love that, let's go to this Italian, and you name it.
Speaker:And she can still say, No, I would prefer to go there, uh, to another one.
Speaker:And that is completely fine.
Speaker:But the quintessence is that in that moment you bring direction.
Speaker:In that moment you bring decisiveness.
Speaker:In that moment you bring leadership.
Speaker:Leadership is a loaded word.
Speaker:I will do a specific episode about that because there are a lot of
Speaker:misunderstandings around that, what it really means, because both leads
Speaker:just both lead in a different way, but it comes in another episode.
Speaker:But this is a great way of masculine leadership in that moment to
Speaker:respond to her deeper invitation.
Speaker:And the deeper truth is that you as a man with a masculine core,
Speaker:find it attractive if a woman invites you in these subtle ways.
Speaker:While there might be a part that gets triggered or, uh, that, that somehow
Speaker:wants her to communicate like you deep down of course you don't want that.
Speaker:Because if she says to you let's go to this Italian restaurant
:30 PM tonight, right?
:Imagine the energy of that.
:That is, that is going to lead to a lack of polarity in that moment
:because uh, this subtle invitation of the feminine is so beautiful.
:So this is very important for us men to really grasp.
:When we judge her for being different, it is the differences that attract us.
:It is the different styles of communication, how we are, how we
:express things in the unique way.
:It is these differences that actually create polarity.
:Because if it's completely one and the same, there will be actually a lack of
:attraction and the lack of polarity.
:The more she's different in her expression, the more you can cherish
:that, because deep down it is what draws you at an even deeper level to her.
:Now, many women don't notice this, but when they say maybe, they're actually
:inviting us men, she's giving us space to embody our masculine energy, to
:offer our presence, our direction.
:It is a beautiful and sacred invitation.
:It goes much, much deeper than just a silent yearning insider for us to
:embody our masc, it goes so much deeper.
:And if your response as a man is, I don't know, you choose, then you suddenly
:push her into her masculine energy.
:She doesn't always want to choose, to make clear decisions.
:That is why she's saying maybe.
:She wants to relax more into her feminine energy.
:She wants to focus more on being, so we as men can step up and enter a place
:of doing and do the doing, so to speak.
:And it makes perfect sense as to why, because the more feminine her core is,
:the more she will express this because we live in a masculine orientated world,
:a world which is ruled and dominated by masculine principles and virtues, which
:means she's naturally by the world, constantly pushed into her masculine.
:Now, if you as a woman listening like that and you thrive in that, no
:judgment, and that's great, amazing.
:But many women of course, don't because their core energy is feminine.
:In such a simple way as a man or a masculine core being, you can
:allow her to relax more into her feminine by simply responding to
:any sense of maybe, indecisiveness, vagueness on her end with masculine
:principles such as your direction, your leadership, your decisiveness.
:What she's inviting you to do is to fill the space with your masculine energy.
:She's offering you to step into your power.
:Take it with courage and strength.
:That is the depth behind them maybe, or behind some indecisiveness and vagueness.
:It is the dance of intimacy, the dance of polarity, the dance between
:the massacre and the feminine.
:And this dance is in service to the evolution of both.
:Evolution in consciousness through union.
:And yes, her oracle is inviting you here to step up, to embody your masculine
:energy, which in turn allows her to relax deeper into her feminine energy.
:She doesn't all constantly have to make decisions and be bum bum,
:what society pushes her into, she doesn't have to do that.
:Around you she can kind of, in a conscious way, not in a ultra dependent way, but
:in a beautiful way, she can lean on you.
:Um, she can of course still express what she wants, but she can leave
:space for you to really bring direction and bring decisiveness and fill the
:space with your masculine presence and your, and your masculine depth.
:Because You are embodying more of who you truly are, which in
:turn allows her to embody more of who she truly is and wants to be.
:That allows you both to evolve and what is the byproduct of that evolution?
:Deeper intimacy, deeper passion, deeper safety and trust.
:So what are some practical steps to do here and to conclude this episode?
:As a woman, don't question your feminine nature.
:You are not vague and need to become more clear.
:This would mean adopting a masculine style of communication following
:masculine principle and virtue.
:Yes, you need to be clear about fundamental things such as your commitment
:in a relationship, but in these small ways how it expresses itself in your
:relationship with men, embody all of you.
:And if certain expressions are vague, then it's not because you don't know what
:you want or you are naive or anything like that, it's because deep down your
:oracle is inviting the masculine to embody his masculine energy, which of
:course is what you want, what you desire, what you are attracted to, and also
:what he wants, what both of you want.
:And as a man, be more present when you listen to her.
:Watch out for the maybes, for the vagueness, for the indecisiveness, and,
:and, and take that as a deeper opportunity and invitation, subtle invitation, to
:embody your masculine presence and your direction, and to bring your clarity.
:Where she lacks clarity In a moment, bring your clarity.
:Where you lack a deeper sense of feeling and love, she brings a deeper
:feeling and beauty of love, right?
:The masculine and feminine compliment one another.
:This will allow you both to experience deeper intimacy and polarity, and allow
:you as a man to evolve, which allows her, you as a woman to relax more into
:your feminine, to feel more safe, resting in your feminine, in your relationship
:with him, and that in turn allows the whole relationship and union to evolve
:and that is the dance of intimacy.
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