The Three Traits of a Conscious Man
A conscious man knows his commitment to a higher purpose, commitment to the truth, and commitment to stillness.
In this episode, Lorin shares the three traits of a conscious man and provides practical steps for men to cultivate these traits in their lives. For women, this episode will help you better discern where a man is at in his journey of awakening.
Mentioned in this episode:
Healing Your Relationship with the Masculine
A 4-week immersive program for women, starting 2nd March 2025
Today I'm going to talk about the three traits of a conscious man.
Speaker:Of course, there are more traits to a conscious man.
Speaker:However, these three are incredibly important.
Speaker:As a man listening, you will learn practical steps today that you can take immediately after this episode if you sense that you are missing any of these traits as these traits truly define a man.
Speaker:And this episode is not just for men.
Speaker:As a woman listening, you will learn to discern where a man is at in his spiritual journey.
Speaker:Welcome to the Masculine and Feminine Dynamics podcast.
Speaker:My name is Lorin Krenn, and I'm a coach, author, and hypnotherapist.
Speaker:I help you to create the relationship you want.
Speaker:Let's dive in.
Speaker:Trait number one, a conscious man is in service to something greater than himself.
Speaker:Ambition and drive are great traits, but being in service to something greater than ourselves is what truly defines our mission, our purpose, our drive, our intention in the world.
Speaker:What does it mean to be in services and being greater than ourselves?
Speaker:It means that this is not about some self-centered goal.
Speaker:There's nothing wrong with being ambitious and having specific goals you want to create for yourself.
Speaker:However, at the deepest level, what you do in this life, what your purpose in this life, what you spend the most time with, ideally should be something that is in service to something greater than yourself.
Speaker:And this doesn't mean that it has to be a specific thing.
Speaker:What it means is that you have to find the deeper service in that.
Speaker:You don't have to do what I do or what someone else does in order to be in service, because at the deepest level, it's your energy that serves others, your presence, your heart centeredness, your grounding, your ma, we can call it your masculine presence, the depth that you bring to this world.
Speaker:Now, my question to you is at the end of the day, when you hit the pillow, have you served?
Speaker:And do you feel that you are serving the world with something deeper?
Speaker:Because if the answer is no, then you will always feel that something is missing in your life.
Speaker:And again, this is not about the what you do.
Speaker:It's about that you find the deeper meaning and deeper service in what you do, because anything can turn into deeper service and anything can become self-centered.
Speaker:A spiritual teacher can say, Okay, I want to be in service to something greater than myself.
Speaker:But then the goals become solely self-centered.
Speaker:At the same time, someone who is in sales or marketing can be in deeper service.
Speaker:And it's not just about self-centeredness.
Speaker:So what I'm essentially saying here, it's not the what that defines us, it's the deeper service and the deeper intention and the presence and energy that we bring to it.
Speaker:It's how we show up.
Speaker:And sometimes the what we do needs to change because the, what you do does not allow you to be in deeper service.
Speaker:However, that's a journey.
Speaker:You might not be able to switch to that immediately, and you want to make wise decisions.
Speaker:But if that's the case, then you of course want to start to put energy to towards what it is that you want to create, to move closer to it, and then to make the transition.
Speaker:But it's a different topic, essentially.
Speaker:What I want to describe here.
Speaker:Is that a conscious man is in service to something greater than himself.
Speaker:I can tell you a little bit here about my own journey, because this really ties into this episode.
Speaker:All my life, I didn't know exactly what I'm going to do.
Speaker:I never made the decision, Hey, I'm going to be the guy who talks about the awakened masculine, the awakened feminine, about conscious relationships, about spiritual awakening, about shadow work.
Speaker:I never made a decision.
Speaker:That's what I'm going to do.
Speaker:I was called to do this.
Speaker:But one decision I did make, and that is no matter what happens, I am going to serve.
Speaker:I knew that all my life I am going to serve.
Speaker:And I put all my energy into finding my deepest service.
Speaker:Was the journey tough?
Speaker:Did I spend years in solitude often and wandering in nature, meditating, walking, and feeling lost, and not knowing what on earth I'm doing, but sensing that a deeper service wants to move through me?
Speaker:Yes, it was incredibly tough, and I'm not saying this is an easy journey, but I'm saying that what called me and what calls every single man is the desire to be in service to something greater than ourselves.
Speaker:It doesn't matter whether you run a business, whether you work for a company, whether your coach, it doesn't matter what you are doing.
Speaker:But you want to be in service to this universe, to God, to spirit, whatever name you prefer.
Speaker:For me, the essence is always the same.
Speaker:It all leads to the same.
Speaker:So I noticed that until I found that deep service, I would continue to feel this deeper insecurity inside me.
Speaker:Every man who hasn't yet found his deep purpose, his deep why, and his deep mission in this life will feel a sense of shakiness nervousness, fear, insecurity and doubt.
Speaker:I'm not saying these things will be a hundred percent eliminated, and you are perfectly enlightened when you have found your service.
Speaker:However, I will say that a big part of that will be transcended.
Speaker:Because here is the key thing.
Speaker:Through our service, we transcend our fears, we transcend our limitations because this is in service to something greater than ourselves.
Speaker:Now we are working with Spirit and the energy of Spirit works through us.
Speaker:We are the vessel, and as this energy works through us, we transcend our perceived limitations because guess what?
Speaker:Your fears and limitations are not stronger than the calling of spirit that rests inside your heart, that rests in the heart of each man.
Speaker:As long as you don't follow the call, you're going to be drained, you're going to be tired, and your tiredness might have to do with not sleeping enough and all of that.
Speaker:But often it is a tiredness of the soul.
Speaker:The soul is tired.
Speaker:Because the soul says, I am not doing what I'm born to fucking do.
Speaker:So get your ass on the mat, get your ass in nature, get out there and give absolutely everything to follow that deeper calling.
Speaker:I don't know when you are going to find it exactly how it's going to happen, but I do tell you.
Speaker:When you make this your life's commitment, it becomes inevitable.
Speaker:And this service extends also not just to our mission.
Speaker:It extends to our loved ones, our beloved.
Speaker:When you find the right woman by your side in deep union, which amplifies you and amplifies you both in every possible way.
Speaker:The greatest gift a man can have is to have a conscious woman by his side.
Speaker:The greatest gift I have ever received from this universe, from spirit is my wife.
Speaker:She's my deepest muse, and she's what inspires me at the deepest level to show up, to be in deepest service and to give everything, everything, because there is so much meaning.
Speaker:And when you find the right woman, then your service extends to serving her and the relationship, not by putting her in a pedestal, but by honoring her, by honoring your divine union.
Speaker:How do you serve?
Speaker:You serve through your presence.
Speaker:You serve through your breath, you serve through the energy that you bring.
Speaker:The reason why you most likely listen to this podcast, the reason why you follow my teachings is yes, the information, but it's also the energy behind that.
Speaker:This is what I live.
Speaker:This is what I breathe.
Speaker:This is why I am so incredibly passionate about it, and even the word passion is not enough because a passion can change.
Speaker:This is a deeper calling.
Speaker:This is what I am meant to do right now at this moment in time and space.
Speaker:So trait number one, a conscious man is in service to something greater than himself.
Speaker:This includes service to his loved ones.
Speaker:Now, if you feel that you are not in service, then there is a simple approach.
Speaker:Number one, commit yourself to giving absolutely everything and to spending any free time you have, any little reserve of energy that you have, and of course, take care of yourself.
Speaker:But any little reserve of energy you have needs to be focused on finding your deepest calling and finding your deepest calling doesn't always mean that you do a lot of things.
Speaker:It can mean that you do a lot of things, but it also means finding stillness, becoming still.
Speaker:I was called to go into nature, away from people, away from opinions, away from everything.
Speaker:And in that silence of the heart, in that silence of nature, a deeper truth, a deeper calling emerges within you.
Speaker:So this is not just about trying all kinds of things.
Speaker:If you are on the path of finding, go into nature, hikes, long walks, you can't be in nature?
Speaker:Go to this park, find the pond.
Speaker:Sit there, find any place where you can in solitude.
Speaker:It doesn't matter.
Speaker:It doesn't matter where you are or, or what your circumstances are.
Speaker:You can find a way to be in solitude somehow in nature.
Speaker:It is impossible not to, or at least for most people, it'll be impossible not to.
Speaker:But stillness within is always possible.
Speaker:Now, also, you have to focus on the big question that you have to ask.
Speaker:Everything you commit to, everything you do needs to be driven by a deeper question.
Speaker:Does this allow me to serve deeper?
Speaker:Is this in service to my calling?
Speaker:And this is not self-centered.
Speaker:This is not egotism.
Speaker:No, this is the universe.
Speaker:Is this in service that I can serve the universe, God, Spirit, and those around me.
Speaker:So when you cut people out of your life, when you remove yourself from places you are not being mean or a bad person, you are devoted to spirit.
Speaker:You are moving into alignment.
Speaker:Step one, one, commit yourself fully to it.
Speaker:Find solitude in nature, allow a deeper calling to emerge within you.
Speaker:Don't just try things.
Speaker:Try things, and then also allow that time to reflect, to go deep inside yourself.
Speaker:And I tell you, it becomes inevitable, because if you say either this or nothing, this is where I go, this is plan A, and there is no plan B, this is where I'm going, I'll find it, then it becomes inevitable.
Speaker:And the second is everything you commit.
Speaker:Everything you do, does this allow me to serve deeper?
Speaker:And if the answer is no, then fuck it.
Speaker:Or at least if you are in a commitment, whatever it is, could be workwise, understand you can't do that immediately and all of that, but try to find a way gracefully out as soon as possible that doesn't put you into a really tough position.
Speaker:Make wise decisions, but the wisest decision you can ever make is to follow that deeper calling.
Speaker:Trait number two.
Speaker:The conscious man has a relentless commitment to truth, living your truth, speaking your truth, embodying your truth.
Speaker:As conscious men, we are protectors and warriors of truth.
Speaker:At a certain point of awakening in a man's spiritual journey, he can no longer lie, he can no longer deceive.
Speaker:He can no longer keep secrets, he can only live according to the principle and virtue of truth.
Speaker:This is not a, a value, this is a virtue.
Speaker:My virtue is truth, and integrity is truth, ultimately, it entails many things.
Speaker:And truth is love as well because how can the highest truth not be love, and vice versa?
Speaker:So the highest virtue is truth.
Speaker:And this means a conscious man will always speak and live his truth and and even though that sounds amazing, now for the women listening, this can be challenging.
Speaker:Because as a conscious man, we can call it the sword of truth.
Speaker:You always hear me speaking about the feminine oracle and the intuition and how important it is for us men to receive it and to be open to it, and to allow that to sharpen our awareness and our consciousness.
Speaker:However, if our boundaries are being crossed, if we are treated in a disrespectful way that is not honoring, that is not kind, that is not rooted in respect, then our sword of truth will emerge within a second.
Speaker:And the sword of truth is not aggressive.
Speaker:It's grounded and fiercely loving, but nevertheless, it is immensely powerful and it is immensely fierce.
Speaker:So not everyone is ready for that.
Speaker:People say, oh, I want a conscious man, or conscious masculinity.
Speaker:Yes, but not everyone is ready for this sword of truth.
Speaker:There is no appeasing.
Speaker:And for a woman who operates from wounding, who once a man to appease her in order to feel better about herself, she will be triggered deeply, and feel her shadow being exposed with a conscious man.
Speaker:So a conscious man is very, very capable of setting boundaries.
Speaker:These boundaries are very clear.
Speaker:He's very clear in his communication, in his speech.
Speaker:He lives according to the virtue of truth, and he will not stay in places that do not align with the virtue of truth.
Speaker:Yet, those places where it aligns with the virtue of truth.
Speaker:He will commit his life and soul he would be willing to die for it.
Speaker:A conscious man is excited by nothing but the highest truth and the highest truth he will commit to.
Speaker:This means when a relationship is in alignment, he will commit and dedicate his heart and soul to it and is willing to die for the woman, for the union, and for his mission.
Speaker:And this is an energy that's palpable.
Speaker:This is an energy that can be viscerally felt.
Speaker:And trait number three, a conscious man embraces stillness as his ally rather than spirituality being high up in the clouds.
Speaker:It's all about how can I ground this?
Speaker:How can I become still amidst the storm that I experience, emotional or whatever is going on?
Speaker:In the level and depth of a man's ability to face himself in stillness correlates with the depth and meaning he's able to create in his life and relationships and the depth of his service.
Speaker:So what I always say to men, stop focusing on the spiritual fluff.
Speaker:Instead, focus on the things that actually matter.
Speaker:And that is for and foremost to learn to ground yourself.
Speaker:How do you ground yourself?
Speaker:You become still.
Speaker:You learn to face yourself in stillness.
Speaker:No music, no distraction, just you and stillness.
Speaker:It's easy to do in nature, but don't get dependent on nature.
Speaker:You want to develop the spiritual and warrior's muscle to be able to access this at any time.
Speaker:It's not easy, but whenever I notice getting hectic, getting anxious, I give my best to seek that stillness wherever I am and whatever is going on in my life.
Speaker:These are the three traits.
Speaker:I'm going to summarize here.
Speaker:Trade number one, a conscious man is in service of something greater than himself.
Speaker:And all his commitment, all his energy goes towards serving.
Speaker:If he doesn't serve something, he's always missing, and he's like a, it's like a house with our fundamental, built with sand.
Speaker:The fundamental and foundation that defines a man is his deepest service.
Speaker:It's not the what, it's how he shows up.
Speaker:Number two, a conscious man is relentlessly committed to the highest truth.
Speaker:This is not just a value of his, it's his virtue.
Speaker:It's his compass.
Speaker:He's a warrior of truth.
Speaker:He will devote himself to everything that aligns with truth and he will sometimes, not abruptly, but sometimes quite fiercely, cut away and remove himself from all that does not resemble truth, with integrity, with honor, but he knows he's in service of something greater than himself.
Speaker:There's no time to waste.
Speaker:And number three, a conscious man does not focus on the spiritual fluff, but he faces himself in stillness and whenever he notice he's getting lost in the thoughts, lost in the anxiety, lost in the challenges, that's when he actively seeks that stillness and grounds himself.
Speaker:There's so many practices that I teach around this.
Speaker:How to connect with your mission, how to be in deepest service, how to shift the energy within you, how to align your life and live your life according to truth, how to actually ground yourself.
Speaker:All these things are much more, I teach this in my men's groups.
Speaker:I teach this in my programs.
Speaker:Thank you for listening to this podcast, and thank you for listening all the way to the end.
Speaker:I, I really appreciate and I want to acknowledge you for, um, taking the time in our busy lives to go through the entire episode because that shows a really deep commitment and devotion to your path.
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Speaker:It is an honor to be of service.