How to Re-ignite the Passion in a Relationship & the Bedroom
Conflict happens in any relationship. When it arises, it needs to be tackled head on, with both partners speaking their truth while prioritising connection above everything. Not being able to navigate conflict can lead to disconnect, which can erode intimacy, trust, passion, and safety over time.
In this episode, Lorin shares three common blockages that prevent couples from experiencing deeper intimacy over time, and how to clear the path towards a longer-lasting, deep spiritual connection.
Mentioned in this episode:
Healing Your Relationship with the Masculine
A 4-week immersive program for women, starting 2nd March 2025
It happens to so many couples.
Speaker:I've seen it again and again.
Speaker:At the beginning, there was deep passion in the relationship and in the bedroom.
Speaker:And at some point everything went south.
Speaker:No more sex, no more intimacy, no more connection.
Speaker:Disconnect became the new normal.
Speaker:A sense of awkwardness in the air.
Speaker:Talking bullshit that doesn't come from the heart.
Speaker:Acting as if everything is fine, even though both know nothing is fine.
Speaker:This doesn't have to be the case.
Speaker:I know this not only from the many couples and individuals I've worked with
Speaker:all over the world, but also from my own relationship with my wife, Liliana.
Speaker:I know wholeheartedly, the longer you are together in a relationship, the higher
Speaker:the possibility of experiencing deeper intimacy, deeper trust, deeper passion,
Speaker:deeper safety in the relationship.
Speaker:However, of course, if we don't have right tools and resources to create this, then
Speaker:it's going to prove very challenging.
Speaker:I will show you in today's episode how you can make radical and effective changes in
Speaker:your relationship to reignite the passion.
Speaker:Both overall in the relationship, but also in the bedroom.
Speaker:Just because a loss of attraction, a lack of attraction, a lack of passion,
Speaker:and polarity happens to so many couples, doesn't mean that it is normal
Speaker:or that it is the way it should be.
Speaker:There is this collective idea that a long-term relationship
Speaker:Becomes boring after a while, that love and passion fade with time.
Speaker:And of course it is normal if couples don't have the resources
Speaker:and tools to go deeper, to move through challenges, to move through
Speaker:tension, to move through conflict that naturally arises in a relationship.
Speaker:There is no way around it.
Speaker:It's natural.
Speaker:No matter how conscious the relationship that there is, tension, that there
Speaker:are challenges to work through.
Speaker:And also while it is true that the honeymoon phase ends at a certain point,
Speaker:contrary to our common understanding, this doesn't mean that the sex and
Speaker:intimacy become less passionate.
Speaker:There's this idea honeymoon phase ends, well, then the sex and
Speaker:intimacy become less passionate.
Speaker:When the honeymoon phase ends, ideally at a spiritual level, what happens is
Speaker:that everything matures to an even deeper level of depth in the relationship.
Speaker:So the sex, the intimacy, the connection takes an even deeper level and the passion
Speaker:matures into something even more profound.
Speaker:Now this leads us to the biggest block I'll be discussing now the biggest
Speaker:blocks that couples experience that, um, weighing passion, that weighing intimacy,
Speaker:that doesn't allow us to experience deep and profound sex, and then I will talk
Speaker:about what needs to be done in order to create radical changes, profound
Speaker:changes to reignite that passion as powerfully as possible, but not just
Speaker:reignite it, but also to actively deepen it, because I'll talk about that later.
Speaker:But I always like to say love is infinite, passion is infinite, devotion is infinite.
Speaker:You can always go deeper.
Speaker:That's the beauty.
Speaker:So the longer you are together, the deeper you can go.
Speaker:Is it going to be easy?
Speaker:But is it possible?
Speaker:And is it worth it?
Speaker:1000%, yes.
Speaker:Now, Let's talk about the first block that couples experience that lead
Speaker:them towards this downward spiral of no intimacy, no sex, no passion.
Speaker:The first block is not being able to navigate conflict.
Speaker:This is a huge one.
Speaker:If a couple does not know how to navigate conflict, it's going
Speaker:to naturally erode intimacy.
Speaker:Trust, passion, safety over time.
Speaker:Because when we don't know how to deal with conflict, it lingers there.
Speaker:It's, it's never fully resolved, which leads to disconnect.
Speaker:The disconnect, the continuous experience, the disconnect leads to a lack of
Speaker:emotional intimacy, which then translates always to a lack of physical intimacy.
Speaker:Because sex starts outside of the bedroom.
Speaker:And becoming physical is only a byproduct of the emotional intimacy
Speaker:that was created beforehand.
Speaker:This is especially true for women, for the feminine, but it also holds truth,
Speaker:of course, for men, for the masculine.
Speaker:Here is what happens when you are not able to reconnect properly after conflict.
Speaker:It leads to disconnect, which creates distrust, which I call
Speaker:creating negative momentum.
Speaker:So many couples experience negative momentum in their relationship.
Speaker:Ultimately, what what this means is the more disconnect you experience,
Speaker:the more this, this disconnect lingers, the more your body and nervous system
Speaker:get used that whenever there is conflict, what follows is disconnect.
Speaker:So a pattern gets created.
Speaker:If you go through the same thing again and again and again, the body
Speaker:and the nervous system adapts to it.
Speaker:It becomes the new normal.
Speaker:So whenever you have that same argument, that same fight that keeps repeating
Speaker:or a new fight about something new that arises, doesn't have to be the same thing,
Speaker:then already your body, your nervous system, braces itself and repeats the
same reaction:disconnect, suffering, for some couples, this can even mean
same reaction:breaking up for for a little while.
same reaction:A more subtle expression is for hours being in disconnect, or for
same reaction:days even being in disconnect and not being able to connect properly.
same reaction:And of course here and there, there can be disconnect.
same reaction:But the longer you spend in disconnect, the more momentum, the
same reaction:more negative momentum it creates.
same reaction:More about that later, how you can really powerfully shift out of that disconnect.
same reaction:But to make it clear, Your body and nervous system get used to it.
same reaction:This creates negative momentum because now it's not only the conflict, which
same reaction:where the pattern repeats itself, there's disconnect every time, now
same reaction:you also start to fear the conflict.
same reaction:And because you fear the conflict, you try to avoid it, you try to tiptoe around it,
same reaction:which creates even more blockage because you are no longer speaking your truth,
same reaction:you are no longer in your power, you're trying to avoid, you're fearing something.
same reaction:And these kind of even strengthens that downward spiral of negative
same reaction:momentum and erodes the intimacy.
same reaction:So it's not just that our body and nervous system is, um, adapted to
same reaction:the CO to that exact same experience.
same reaction:So the moment there is conflict, we emotionally shut down.
same reaction:That is one of these experiences.
same reaction:Or the moment there is conflict, we beg our partner to, to reconnect and
same reaction:there's the other partner shuts down and there's this constant back and forth,
same reaction:which creates so much self suffering and creates this huge disconnect.
same reaction:Whatever it is, I'm not gonna go too deep into every single possible way,
same reaction:how this can express itself, but just to be, just to make it clear.
same reaction:Emotional shutdown.
same reaction:So the B, the moment there is conflict, your body goes, okay, now
same reaction:it's time for emotional shutdown.
same reaction:This has been automated.
same reaction:This is, you've conditioned the body unconsciously into that,
same reaction:conflict, shut down, disconnect.
same reaction:And this, and then of course a fear starts to happen.
same reaction:It almost becomes this thing that now has power over you.
same reaction:And that should never happen.
same reaction:Conflict should never have power over you.
same reaction:More about it in a second.
same reaction:So what do we need to do?
same reaction:In order to really powerfully shift through the first blockage, which is
same reaction:not being able to navigate conflict?
same reaction:Now, the first thing we need to learn is to tackle conflict head on.
same reaction:This doesn't mean that you don't take, you can say, I need
same reaction:10 minutes to ground myself or whatever, or I need half an hour.
same reaction:But obviously not.
same reaction:I need three days, because that's just gonna cause more disconnect.
same reaction:This doesn't mean that you have to tackle it in the heat of the moment
same reaction:when you're totally triggered and in your wounding, expressing from
same reaction:your wounding or from your shadow.
same reaction:Take 10 minutes but communicate it, of course, with the shared
same reaction:vision of then to reconnect deeper.
same reaction:That's not what I'm meaning.
same reaction:But what I'm meaning is as quickly as possible.
same reaction:You want to tackle that head on, meaning you speak your truth.
same reaction:You speak what's really in your heart, not afraid of the other person leaving
same reaction:you, not afraid of the other person, not agreeing with you, not pleasing
same reaction:him, but really speaking your truth.
same reaction:And this takes true courage, especially for those who are prone
same reaction:to pleasing, especially those who have difficulty setting boundaries.
same reaction:But it is extremely important that you are in that practice of speaking
same reaction:and sharing your heart's truth.
same reaction:Because if you cannot express that in an argument and you're kind of becoming
same reaction:inauthentic because of fear of the other person losing you, then that's
same reaction:not going to allow you to resolve that.
same reaction:So very important, whenever there is conflict, both have to be able and have
same reaction:to feel safe to be able to speak their heart's truth, of course, while honoring
same reaction:the other person, not ripping them apart.
same reaction:Speaking your heart's truth can be fierce, can involve setting boundaries,
same reaction:but it's coming from a place of love.
same reaction:One way you can do this is just breathe deeply into your heart and
same reaction:then express deeply from your heart.
same reaction:And what happens then when both are doing that Passion in conflict
same reaction:can quickly, because the energy of passion has this interesting dynamic
same reaction:where it can lead to a passion from a passionate argument to passionate
same reaction:intimacy or even passionate love making.
same reaction:You might have experienced this.
same reaction:So there is a charge, because ultimately there is a charge and, and that
same reaction:is actually good when a couple has that charge because you can use that
same reaction:charge to powerfully work through.
same reaction:Of course, some get completely hijacked by their shadow, and
same reaction:then it's a never ending argument.
same reaction:But what I'm essentially saying, if both fiercely speak their hearts truth with
same reaction:the shared vision to reconnect and tackle this as quickly as possible in order to
same reaction:connect again, then everything shifts because both can feel this profound
same reaction:passion that comes together, that melts into one another of both, essentially
same reaction:wanting to reconnect at the highest level.
same reaction:And that creates for a really powerful experience where you are able to navigate,
same reaction:uh, conflict really, really powerfully.
same reaction:And also you are teaching your body a nervous system that conflict is not bad.
same reaction:Conflict means you can resolve it.
same reaction:And conflict also means afterwards you can connect even deeper and experience
same reaction:even more intimacy because you understand each other even more deeply, and
same reaction:because you stepped even more into your truth, truly speaking, your heart.
same reaction:This is what happens.
same reaction:The more you do this, the more it gains positive momentum because
same reaction:you experience more connection.
same reaction:And now ultimately you are teaching your body, when there is conflict,
same reaction:we cannot just resolve it, but we can even connect deeper.
same reaction:We learn more about each other, we understand each other deeper.
same reaction:Boom, and now everything starts to change.
same reaction:Doesn't mean you're gonna love conflict from now on, but it certainly
same reaction:means you're no longer afraid of it.
same reaction:And it certainly means you don't feel that it's going to destroy the relationship
same reaction:or anything along those lines.
same reaction:You know, it's part of any relationship, and when it arises,
same reaction:you can face it and you know in your heart you can connect even deeper.
same reaction:That's truly powerful.
same reaction:When a couple has that embodied experience, boom, everything shifts.
same reaction:And what is the key thing here to make this really clear, the key thing here is
same reaction:to prioritize connection above everything.
same reaction:If you don't prioritize connection above everything in a relationship,
same reaction:then there's going to eventually intimacy's going to wane.
same reaction:So the couples who experience the deepest intimacy and passion in the
same reaction:bedroom in general in any moment, they prioritize connection above all things.
same reaction:So what do my wife and I do when we experience a disconnect?
same reaction:We don't let it linger.
same reaction:We tackle it full on, um, speaking our hearts true fiercely if necessary, setting
same reaction:boundaries if we have to really, but both with the shared vision of connecting as
same reaction:quickly and as powerfully as possible.
same reaction:And this literally shift everything.
same reaction:Now, what is the second blockage that so many couples experience?
same reaction:The second blockage is that both parties don't live from their core energy.
same reaction:So most people, their core energy is masculine or feminine.
same reaction:It's not gender specific, but usually very often a man has a core masculine energy
same reaction:and a woman has a core feminine energy.
same reaction:There are some rare exceptions where that is more balanced.
same reaction:Um, it's different for every person, but these are just exceptions.
same reaction:Usually someone has a core mask and a core feminine energy.
same reaction:And with that come specific energetic responsibilities in the dance of intimacy.
same reaction:And also come specific core desires.
same reaction:So if you are not living from your core energy, are not aware of what
same reaction:your core energy is, then you don't really know what your desires are.
same reaction:This leads to you not being able to know how to communicate your desires, and
same reaction:also it doesn't allow you to own and take responsibility for your unique energy
same reaction:responsibility as the masculine or as the feminine in the dance of intimacy.
same reaction:So, very quickly, because if I would go too deep into this, this podcast
same reaction:episode is going to be very, very long.
same reaction:But for example, a man, if his core masculine energy, if his core energy is
same reaction:masculine, for instance, He takes the lead in a healthy way in the relationship.
same reaction:That can be one expression, conscious leadership.
same reaction:So this for instance, means arranging date nights, um, making sure that there
same reaction:is quality time spent together, for instance, Hey baby, this Friday I'm
same reaction:gonna make that dinner reservation.
same reaction:And this doesn't mean, um, dominating in the sense, we're gonna go there because
same reaction:I want to go there my way or the highway.
same reaction:No, but it's this kind of very powerful, assertive leadership that
same reaction:says, Baby on Friday, I'm gonna make this dinner reservation, and we're
same reaction:gonna have some really powerful, we're gonna have some really beautiful
same reaction:quality time together to connect.
same reaction:For instance, something along those lines.
same reaction:So this is a kind of expression of conscious, of conscious leadership
same reaction:and it's, it Krenn, it's, it's, it's just an energetic responsibility.
same reaction:What are other energy responsibilities?
same reaction:Being present, bringing depth to the relationship.
same reaction:The masculine his incredible gift of, of bringing depth, right?
same reaction:A man who embodies his awakened masculine core, brings depth into the
same reaction:mundane, transforms mundane moments, um, or has the ability to bring
same reaction:so much depth to mundane moments.
same reaction:You do this through your deep breath.
same reaction:You do this through your posture.
same reaction:You do this for very powerful practices that I teach in my
same reaction:Awakened Masculine program.
same reaction:What else?
same reaction:For instance, being grounded, just in general, being grounded and not
same reaction:being in a shaky, insecure energy and needy energy, but coming from
same reaction:a grounded and powerful place.
same reaction:This will, this is what it means to own your energetic responsibility, and as you
same reaction:do this, it will naturally create really powerful attraction, really powerful
same reaction:emotional intimacy, which then translates into really profound sexual intimacy.
same reaction:Now, speaking as the woman, let's say the woman has a, her core energy is feminine.
same reaction:This could be, for instance, trusting the conscious leadership of him.
same reaction:Of course, you don't wanna trust his lead if he's coming from his shadow, but
same reaction:if he's coming from his, um, masculine core and he's bringing his leadership,
same reaction:trusting this lead, opening your heart towards his leadership, because that
same reaction:naturally creates that deep polarity.
same reaction:Giving him space to step up, allowing him space to to step up
same reaction:powerfully, to show up powerfully.
same reaction:For instance, his archaic desire to protect you to what could it be?
same reaction:It could be something as simple as carrying the grocery bags or whatever.
same reaction:That in alone already creates that spark.
same reaction:So, I don't allow my, my wife to, if we go grocery shopping together, I don't
same reaction:allow her to carry the grocery bags.
same reaction:I mean, it's an absolute no-go, absolute no-go.
same reaction:I carry them as many as they are, as heavy as they are, right?
same reaction:So these little things, little things.
same reaction:Just being, being a gentleman that's one of these and allowing him to
same reaction:be that or anything protective.
same reaction:So it could be these little things such as, um, when we're walking on a
same reaction:busy road, I'm gonna go on the left, um, and sh and my woman is gonna
same reaction:face the words, uh, towards the wall, where it's safe and all these little
same reaction:things, you know, these are deeply archaic things within the masculine,
same reaction:this kind of protective incident.
same reaction:If you can open yourself and be appreciative of this,
same reaction:this is very beautiful.
same reaction:And of course also here, I'm calling him out from your Oracle, if that is, if
same reaction:it comes up, if he's lacking integrity.
same reaction:If not, he's not present with you, right?
same reaction:If he's losing himself in positivity or anything along those lines.
same reaction:Calling him out from, from your, from your awakened feminine.
same reaction:I've talked about this in many previous episodes.
same reaction:This is also part of what, allows you both to grow.
same reaction:And ultimately if he listens to it and steps up, allows for deeper
same reaction:intimacy, allows for deeper passion.
same reaction:Otherwise, you both get stuck.
same reaction:If you give in as a woman to your abandonment fears of fear of rejection,
same reaction:don't express it, resentment is growing and it doesn't, uh, it
same reaction:doesn't allow you to both evolve.
same reaction:And also, um, what else would be the angel responsibility?
same reaction:Not going into hyper independence in this masculine armor, but letting him in.
same reaction:Letting him into your heart, allowing him to contribute to the
same reaction:safety and openness of your heart.
same reaction:Of course, this goes way deeper, but if we live from our core energy, and I
same reaction:teach about this in my Awakened Masculine and Awakened Feminine programs, how you
same reaction:really start to embody your awakened masculine or awakened feminine, which
same reaction:completely shifts your relationship life.
same reaction:But living from our core energy automatically means we express ourselves
same reaction:in the most authentic way, which naturally creates deep intimacy when
same reaction:we're, when we're embodying our true self, we, we embody our specific desires.
same reaction:We live in a way that is truthful to our deepest core and is naturally creates so
same reaction:much intimacy, amplifies, and intensifies, and deepens our experience in the bedroom.
same reaction:It's like two magnets, wonderfully flowing and coming together and being so deeply
same reaction:drawn to one another in such a natural, such a sacred and such a powerful way.
same reaction:And if the polarity is flipped, for instance, if the woman who has a
same reaction:feminine core is living from masculine, It's overly living in her mask and
same reaction:what we can also call masculine armor or, and he gets lost in positivity,
same reaction:doesn't take any lead, doesn't take any responsibility, there's a lack of action.
same reaction:There's, of course, this then leads to no emotional intimacy, no sex, no nothing.
same reaction:Both are entirely stuck.
same reaction:So what's the key here?
same reaction:In order to reignite the passion?
same reaction:It is about starting to going towards the most profound journey.
same reaction:Embodying our awakened essence, whether that is masculine or whether
same reaction:that is feminine, and then owning our true desires, owning our energetic
same reaction:responsibility in the dance of intimacy.
same reaction:Again, I teach this in my Awakened Feminine and Awakened Masculine programs.
same reaction:And this is where we really start to reignite the passion.
same reaction:Now, what is the third blockage that couples experience?
same reaction:Um, of course there are more, but um, these three are kind of the, the one
same reaction:of the most crucial ones, and one of the most common ones, and the third
same reaction:blockage is that we fail to protect our partner from our own shadow.
same reaction:If you follow my work for a while, I have attended one, some of my
same reaction:workshops, of my trainings, you know how important to apply this, protecting
same reaction:your partner from your shadow.
same reaction:So many couples, individuals in the relationship project their wounds
same reaction:onto their partner because we do not check in with what bullshit
same reaction:are we unloading onto our partner.
same reaction:When you take responsibility for that.
same reaction:We need to protect our partner from our mother, from our father wounds,
same reaction:from our commitment wounds, from our abandonment, fears, whatever it is we
same reaction:need to protect them from our own shadow.
same reaction:This doesn't mean you have to be perfectly healed, but what it means is you need to
same reaction:be able to communicate with your partner and apologize and take ownership when
same reaction:you've come from your shadow, because otherwise you're unloading that onto them.
same reaction:And why does that happen?
same reaction:Because we, it is an attempt to shield us from having to take responsibility,
same reaction:being held accountable from doing our own work, from taking responsibility
same reaction:for any bullshit that we bring into the relationship, and we all
same reaction:bring our shit into relationships.
same reaction:We all bring our unhealed, unresolved traumas and wounds.
same reaction:It's fine.
same reaction:You don't have to be, you don't have to be perfectly healed, but
same reaction:you have to be fucking aware.
same reaction:You have to make sure that these things that you bring into a relationship
same reaction:don't sabotage the relationship.
same reaction:Don't create the exact opposite of what you actually want to create.
same reaction:So the moment you start to protect your partner from your shadow and take
same reaction:responsibility for your healing, that is when you start to reignite the passion,
same reaction:because the moment you can consciously communicate and take ownership when you're
same reaction:in your shadow, when you're coming from a wound, you let them into your heart, you
same reaction:build bridges, you reconnect deeper, you understand each other deeper, and then
same reaction:you support ultimately each other's the safety of each other's nervous system.
same reaction:You support each other's hearts opening.
same reaction:I wanna share about my relationship with my wife, Liana.
same reaction:So, because we practice all of these things, because that is our main focus,
same reaction:prioritizing connection, prioritize that beautiful, wonderful dance of incomes
same reaction:that the cures in a union, and taking responsibility for whatever, whatever it
same reaction:is that we bring into the relationship that is not gonna contribute, not in
same reaction:service to the highest love, not in service to our sacred union, also speaking
same reaction:our hearts' truth fiercely, speaking our deepest truth, not letting anything
same reaction:unspoken, not letting anything linger.
same reaction:This has allowed us to deepen our love, to deepen the polarity and to make us realize
same reaction:that it go, can go deeper and deeper.
same reaction:Sometimes we say, Can this go any deeper?
same reaction:And then a few months, a few weeks later, it has gone deeper.
same reaction:Now, with having said that, this doesn't mean there are not any challenges.
same reaction:This doesn't mean we're perfectly enlightened and everything is
same reaction:absolutely a hundred percent perfect.
same reaction:Every person, no matter how awake, and no matter how conscious they
same reaction:are, no relationship is perfect.
same reaction:Simply no relationship is perfect.
same reaction:Why?
same reaction:Eckhart Tolle has this beautiful saying that a relationship is not here to make
same reaction:you happy, it is here to awaken you.
same reaction:A relationship is in service to the, your highest evolution and not to
same reaction:the comfort of your shadow, no matter what level of consciousness you are.
same reaction:So even though my wife and I go deeper and deeper into the nature
same reaction:of love, this doesn't mean we don't have to overcome obstacles.
same reaction:This doesn't mean we don't have to set boundaries, we have to do all of that.
same reaction:But because we do that, we can dive deeper into the nature of love.
same reaction:And that is the true beauty of it.
same reaction:And that is the positive momentum, because now the more connection you experience,
same reaction:the more connected you will feel.
same reaction:The deeper the sex and intimacy you experience, the more you're
same reaction:going to experience of that.
same reaction:That is the beauty, and that is creating positive momentum, which is
same reaction:key in order to reignite the passion.
same reaction:Switching from negative momentum into positive momentum.
same reaction:Is that easy?
same reaction:No.
same reaction:Will it take all of you?
same reaction:Yes, but that's the journey.
same reaction:You're not here to be comfortable in relationships.
same reaction:You're here to evolve at the highest level.
same reaction:Another thing that is so crucial here is that we need to stop seeing.
same reaction:Our relationship as a comfort zone, as I just mentioned, or something
same reaction:that allows us to run away to avoid our traumas and wounds.
same reaction:No.
same reaction:We need to look at our relationship as our highest spiritual practice, as our highest
same reaction:spiritual practice from moment to moment.
same reaction:And this also completely shifts and reignites the passion, because we, we
same reaction:actively engage in each each moment with an incredible, profound, hard openness,
same reaction:hard curiosity, devotion presence.
same reaction:It completely changes our energy.
same reaction:Fierceness courage.
same reaction:It allows us to really meet every moment with the courage of our heart.
same reaction:So I wanted to quickly summarize the several steps I've talked about today, um,
same reaction:before I bring today's episode to an end.
same reaction:By, in order to reignite the passion, we need to go from negative
same reaction:momentum to positive momentum.
same reaction:What are the key areas to create that?
same reaction:Number one, learning how to navigate conflict.
same reaction:The moment we teach our body and nervous system that we cannot just navigate and
same reaction:resolve conflict, but actually understand.
same reaction:Each other deeper, learn more about each other afterwards, which translates
same reaction:into deeper emotional intimacy, which then translate into deeper physical
same reaction:intimacy, that's the first thing.
same reaction:What is the second thing?
same reaction:Living from our core energy.
same reaction:That means embodying our awakened mask and our awakened feminine essence,
same reaction:which means now we are aware of our desires, we can consciously express
same reaction:these desires, and we're also aware of our unique energetic responsibility.
same reaction:Our 50% in this wonderful dynamic, and, and then also
same reaction:what the other person's 50% is.
same reaction:This creates so much clarity.
same reaction:And the third one is protecting your partner from your own shadow.
same reaction:Because the moment you start to do that, the these three things you can create
same reaction:heaven on earth in your relationship.
same reaction:This really has the power of transforming absolutely everything.
same reaction:Now if you want to step into deeper healing, create the intimate life that
same reaction:you truly desire, then I invite you to visit
same reaction:And I also invite you to join my newsletter, which you can find
same reaction:in the show notes or by visiting to receive
same reaction:in-depth for free powerful emails every single Friday, covering a
same reaction:specific theme and also learning more about our upcoming offerings.
same reaction:I also do offer free eBooks on our website, which you can
same reaction:check out in the show notes or visiting
same reaction:If you have enjoyed this episode, if you have gained powerful insights,
same reaction:experience shifts from this episode, then it would mean the world to me
same reaction:if you can share it with someone whom you feel this would serve you.
same reaction:And of course if you shared on your social medias where it even reaches
same reaction:more people, that would mean the world to me, because the more people
same reaction:we reach, the more impact we can make on the global level of consciousness.
same reaction:The more awakening, the more healing cannot cure.
same reaction:And if you're not subscribed to the podcast yet, I invite you to
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same reaction:Again, thank you so much for being here.
same reaction:I'm truly, truly honored to host this podcast and I'm
same reaction:deeply honored to have you here.